TM3030Plus Scanning Electron Microscope
Make and Model:
HT7700 Transmission Electron Microscope
TM3030Plus Scanning Electron Microscope
Manufactured by Hitachi Ltd, Japan
With Power backup, computing and Imaging facilities
Rs: 1250
Specifications | 15 to 120,000x Maximum sample size 70 mm diameter. |
Highlights of importance and applications of instruments | The Transmission Electron microscope can image viruses and other plant pathogens. It can also image metallic nano particles. upto 300000 times primary magnification This Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope can be used to image structure of bio materials upto 60000 times primary magnification |
Parameters/analysis that can be analysed in the instrument | Sample dimensions, Size distribution |
User instructions for sample preparation |
Parameters that can be analyzed on the instrument/facility | Nano / Miro structure, morphological |